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engine bearings

engine bearings
Author :Admin | Publish Date:2012-10-31 09:17:20
We as a automotive engine bearings manufacturers & exporters offering a wide array of Needle rollers that are high in performance and help in smooth working of the machinery.

SRG is an ISO/TS 16949:2002 Certified Company and a front foot runner in manufacturing world class automotive bearings, automotive engine bearings and precision bearings. We as a precision automotive bearings manufacturer company are a 100% Customer Oriented Unit and has cutting edge technology for manufacturing various kinds of Needle Roller Bearings, Needle Thrust Bearings, Needle Rollers, Hub Pins & Ball Bearings.

Engine Bearings, Cedar Grove, NJ, says that 95 percent of his company's aftermarket bearings are now aluminum. "We made the decision to go to aluminum several years ago when we developed our exclusive Alecular bearing material. Itis an aluminum alloy that contains tin, copper and several other elements. We think it provides the kind of longevity that today's market demands."

Crankshaft bearings should always be replaced when you are rebuilding an engine because the nsk bearings are a wear component. Heat, pressure, chemical attack, abrasion and loss of lubrication can all contribute to deterioration of the bearings. Consequently, when an engine is rebuilt new bearings should always be installed.

Ron Thompson, a bearing engineer at Federal-Mogul says improper crankshaft finish can be especially hard on nachi bearings. If using traditional polishing equipment, he recommends a two-step polishing procedure to achieve an optimum finish. First, the journals should be polished in the "unfavorable" direction (opposite the direction of rotation) with #280 grit, then finished in the "favorable" direction (same direction as rotation) with #320 grit.

Corrosion can also play a role in bearing failure. Corrosion results when acids accumulate in the crankcase and attack the bearings causing pitting in the bearing surface. This is more of a problem with heavy-duty diesel engines that use high sulfur fuel rather than gasoline [engine bearings] , but it can also happen in gasoline engines if the oil is not changed often enough and acids are allowed to accumulate in the crankcase. Other factors that can contribute to acid buildup include a restricted or plugged PCV system, engine operation during extremely cold or hot weather, excessive crankcase blowby (worn rings or cylinders) or using poor quality oil or fuel.

Babbitt and lead are more vulnerable than aluminum to this type of corrosion, so for engine applications where corrosion is a concern aluminum bearings may offer better corrosion resistance.


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